The Leadership Edge:
Combining Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Competence, and Conflict Engagement
Your Leadership Edge is found within. In this fast-paced society getting to your desired destination may sometimes seem like riding the train on any busy rail system in the middle of rush hour and missing your stop.
Whether you are an executive leading a large or small organization or a professional looking to grow in your field of interest, the tools you need to distinguish yourself can be found in the most valuable real estate you've had since birth: your mind.
There is no doubt that a recipe for attaining success includes hard work and determination. I would also add a dash of emotional intelligence, cultural competence and conflict engagement. Consider these questions:
How do you respond to conflict and setbacks?
How do you deal with difficult people?
How do you deal with yourself when you don't reach planned goals?
By enhancing your emotional intelligence you're simply being smarter with feelings in an effort to find productive ways to articulate, understand, and engage your own and others’ feelings.
In a workplace where the demographics have shifted more than ever individuals seeking to be successful in their area of pursuit need to study, navigate and understand the internal and external roadblocks existing between their current position and their destination. Developing Cultural Competence helps you to develop the skill sets necessary to navigate inter-cultural conflict towards positive ends.
We know that conflict comes into play whenever you have humans in the mix. Learning to identify your hot buttons can empower you with the knowledge of what drives you up a wall and hopefully gives you greater awareness as to how others can get frustrated when their hot buttons are triggered.
Embedded in The Leadership Edge are these foundational components to your blueprint for success. These very tools have served as a compass in my personal journey.
I truly believe that if you are reading this message that you've either succeeded, failed or thought about moving forward from where you are. Whatever stage you find yourself in, having a thought partner to support and challenge you on your journey is a life-changing experience.
At Culture7Coaching we believe that within you there is a deep well of genius waiting to find its way to the surface. Let us help to unlock your deep potential to leverage your skills and impact your world.
Schedule your complimentary strategy session below and start your journey today.
““There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have. And if you cannot hear it, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls.”